4. Create Contract Definition

In order to make your data accessible to other data space participants, you have to define a contract. A Contract Definition links policies to your assets and then offers it in your catalog, so that other participants can query these offers and, depending on the policy set, can see them in their catalog browser and initiate a contract negotiation.

Here you can also get an overview of all contract definitions currently offered by your Connector.

To create a new contract definition click on Create Contract Definition. This opens a pop-up window where you can define the contract definition details.

  • ID: Give your contract definition a unique name.

  • Access Policy: Determines the conditions under which the data-offer is to be seen and accessed by other Connectors.

  • Contract Policy: Determines the conditions for negotiating a contract.

  • Assets: Choose the assets you want to offer with this contract definition.

Different policy types can be combined here as Access- and Contract-Policy.

Click on Create to offer the contract and assets with the given policies in the ecosystem.

Last updated